Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rick & Tessa - Family Session

Back in December I posted on facebook and on this blog about a Free Photography Giveaway.  I wanted to give away a free session to someone who would never hire someone to take their pictures or could never afford to have them done. I was shocked when I received eight truly heartwarming nominations - WOW! I was thinking I would get one... maybe three if my Mom nominated herself twice - hehe, just kidding Mom. But there was one that really pulled at my heart stings and had me at "He is a single Dad to a beautiful young girl" This nomination came from Jenn and I knew right away this was the one! To read Jenn's nomination click here.

On Father's Day, I traveled to the home of Rick and Tessa. Rick lost his wife, Tessa's mother, just three short years ago to cancer. Rick is a single Dad, and from what I could see in just two hours, is doing an amazing job. He is raising a spunky, independent, warm, friendly and incredibly funny little lady. I had so much fun getting to know both Tessa and Rick, it truly was an honor to be able to photograph these two together.

Here are a few of my favorites from the day!

I love the flare captured in this picture.


I don't know exactly what it is about this photograph, but it is my favorite one of the day!

I saw this car when I was photographing Tessa, I asked her to stand next to it. She squealed and said "No WAY!!", surprised I asked "why not?", she exclaimed that Woodchuck lived under it! YIKES!
So when Dad came out, I asked about the validity of the 'woodchuck claim' and was pleasantly surprised when I was informed that little problem had been "taken care of a while ago" YES!

Woodchuck - 0, Photographer - 1

I am so glad I doubled back to the car, because I was able to get these!

Move over Tessa, it's Daddy's turn!

I don't care who you are - this picture is AWESOME!

Rick, thank you so much for welcoming me into your home and letting me photograph you and your daughter. You are raising one remarkable young lady, who loves you to the moon and back.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

That's What Friends Are For

Friend’s; they are great to talk to, laugh with, and have fun with. The song says “In good times, in bad times I'll be on your side forever more Oh, that's what friends are for.” Now that’s all warm and fuzzy, but let’s talk about what Friends are really for!

They are for telling you not to wear that strapless dress because your back fat is hanging off the sides. They are good for telling you when your shirt tag is up, that your kid is being a brat, and suggesting next time you don’t go so ‘blonde’ with the hair color. Although I saw a picture of myself last summer, when I was in my blonde…let’s call it ‘phase’, and I have to wonder where the h-e-double hockey sticks my friends were alllll summer. Seriously girls, NOT FUNNY!

They are there to tell you what no one else will. I was at a work lunch not too long ago and one of my co-workers had a piece of his spinach salad adhered to his left incisor. Now let me say that I was by FAR the youngest, most underpaid, and probably under appreciated person sitting at that table, but I was the ONLY one with enough decency to let him know that Popeye called and wanted his spinach back. We have all done it; enjoyed a nice dinner with friends, excused yourself to the rest room only to find a piece of pepper between your two front teeth, or worse a booger hanging off the side of your nostril. Then you have to do the walk of shame back to your table and act like nothing happened all while wondering, why the heck didn’t anyone tell me?!! Don’t let your friend be that person, because next time you could be that person.

If there were more ‘friends’ in the world there would be less:

1) Adults with mohawks

2) E-mails titled “The People of Wal*Mart”

3) People driving PT Cruisers

4) Karaoke Bars
So there, the next time you see your BFF walk out of the house, tell her she has two different flip flops on, tell her that she has a bad case of static cling, and let her know her five year old sent you a friend request on facebook! Tell your friends what YOU would want to know. Because that my friend; is what friends are for.